The Fastrack to Yachtmaster theory course is ideal for students who either have some navigational theory knowledge at Day Skipper level but who have not completed any formal training or those who require a knowledge refresher before continuing on to complete the advanced theory course at Coastal Skipper level.
The RYA online Fastrack to RYA Yachtmaster theory course is delivered by Navathome, a RYA Recognised Training Centre specialising in online training.
Access is provided to the Day Skipper theory revision website and the Coastal Skipper theory course. The course package includes amongst other two training charts, the RYA training almanac and the shorebased theory course eBook.
The Day Skipper revision element provides you with knowledge of the important basics and covers everything from getting the vessel ready to go to full passage planning taking into account depths, navigation, collision regulations, weather and safety.
The Coastal Skipper theory course then covers topics in greater depth such as passage planning taking into account depths, navigation, collision regulations, weather and safety.
C-MASTERS supplements this online course with 2 day sessions with one of our instructors at our centre. These theory boosters haven proven to be very valuable for our students, helping them with learning the more challenging parts of the course such as Height of tide at secondary ports.
Yachtmaster / Coastal Skipper theory course syllabus
C-MASTERS Training Centre Zeeland
Veerdam 3
4484 NV Kortgene
The Netherlands
C-MASTERS Training Centre Belgian Coast
6820 Nieuwpoort
C-MASTERS Training Centre Brussels Region
3090 Overijse
C-MASTERS International
Chemin du cheval de bois
1380 Lasne
C-MASTERS Operations
Veerhaven 3
4485 PL Kats
The Netherlands
© Copyright C-MASTERS by Celstar BV 2025